LUXE City Guides – Tokyo Edition
I spoke with a friend the other day, and he mentioned a popular travel guide for trendy folks who want to do it all, dubbed LUXE City Guides. Supposedly, this isn’t your grandmother’s travel book: it’s written for individuals wanting to do the fun stuff in a city and visiting trendy social spots. Checking out the website made me buy the book in a heartbeat. It costs 10$ USD (which is peanuts) but with a 25$ shipping charge to Montreal from Hong Kong. UPS tells me that the book is coming in this Wednesday, so I’ll keep you guys updated on what I’m planning to do in Tokyo very soon.
[…] fast. It took only 48 hours for the travel book to arrive from Hong Kong. I was only talking about the LUXE city guide just yesterday even, and here it is. I can’t believe how much faster stuff arrives from the other side of […]